Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Engagement Photos =D

There was a day when all I knew was that i wanted to be happy. Happy with where I was in life, Happy whith who i was with, Happy with where I was, and Happy with who I was. Even though I dreamed of it and hoped for it and longed for that day I never actually thought I would get there.

Then one day this amazing man came into my life. When I first met him I hadn't imagined he would be the one who would help me achieve my dream of happiness...

Quickly my feelings for him grew from coworker to crush. Then from crush to love. This incredible man, somehow, managed to steal my heart away, and I am so very grateful that he did. Now, it's not a stolen piece of merchandiser but rather a portion of me that will be his forever, for all time and eternity.

This wonderful man, Jonathan, is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. He makes me want to be better so that I can be more like the person he deserves to have.

Every time I look into his eyes I get lost in the love that he gives me. Every time he hugs me I praise God for allowing me to know him. Every time he kisses me I wonder how I luck I am to be with this man.

How is it that I ended up with a man who is caring, thoughtful, and kind. How did this calm, agreeable, loving man end up in my life. He is so gentle, happy, witty, not to mention he's EXTREMELY Handsome!!!

So here I am Happy with where I am. Ooober Happy with Who I am with. Happy with what I'm doing. And best of all I'm Happy with who I am.               

Because of this wonderful man who has agreed to marry me I am a better person, I now stand up for myself and my decisions. I look at myself and am pleased with who he has helped me become.

November 25, 2011 will be the best day of my life because I will be making a promise of forever. I will be sealing myself to my best friend, to my soul mate, to the best man ever. I will be making the best decision of my life.                                                                                               

Jonathan, I love you with all my heat! I hope I can make you as happy as you have made me...

Thank you, Thank you for choosing me to be with you forever. I know that we can make it through anything, as long as we have each other!                                                                          

1 comment:

  1. Love Love Love it...great pictures...who is your talented photographer and editor? Ha Ha HA
